Osiris – long sleeve pattern hack

I wear sailor shirts all year long. They are both classy and comfortable and give everyone a chic casual look. From Coco Chanel, to Charlotte Gainsbourg and Brigitte Bardot, all the French icons have worn them. In this article, we give you the instructions for sewing your I AM Osiris tee-shirt with long sleeves.

I AM Patterns sewing pattern Osiris t-shirt hack long sleeve front view zoom
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You will need an extra 12 inches of fabric on top of the initial requirements. So it means: 1 7/8 yards of fabric for the top 2 3/16 yards of fabric for the dress.

On the pattern piece of the sleeve (in yellow below), add 10 1/4″ (26cm) to the bottom.

Then, measure 2 3/4″ (7cm) from each side of the sleeve and mark it. Finally, draw a straight line (blue line on the drawing below) between these points and the extremities of the sleeve head. Your pattern piece for the long sleeves of Osiris is now ready to be cut.

I AM Patterns sewing pattern Osiris t-shirt hack long sleeve instructions
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To sew it all together, just follow the same instructions as the ones given on the original step by step guide delivered with your pattern.

If you do not have your Osiris pattern yet, you can discover it here.

Happy sewing.

I AM Patterns sewing pattern Osiris t-shirt hack long sleeve front view zoom
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